Welcome To Ruaha National Park

About the Park

The untouched and pristine Ruaha National Park is located just at the southern midpoint of Tanzania. Even though Ruaha has an immense concentration of wildlife and spans a huge area (12,226 sq. km.) it remains Tanzania’s best-kept secret. Bordered in the north by the Rungwa River and Kizigio Game Reserves, together they form a colossal 26,500 sq. km. conservancy, one of the biggest across East Africa.

The central point of Ruaha National Park is the Great Ruaha River, with its whirling rapids, deep gorges, and excellent fishing opportunities. If you want a highly personalized and remote Tanzania Safari experience then Ruaha most certainly delivers!

Best Time to Visit

Ruaha National Park is a year-round safari destination. Though, the Best Time to Visit Ruaha National Park for wildlife viewing is in the middle and towards the end of the dry season – from June to October. This is because animals are easier to spot as the bush thins out significantly and many groups gather around the water sources.

  • Alternatively, the months of January to February, and November to December, also offer a rewarding experience.
  • These are transitional periods between the dry and wet seasons, known as the short dry season and short rainy season, respectively.
  • During these times, the park comes to life with vibrant greenery, blooming flowers, and an abundance of birdlife.
  • The landscapes are transformed, providing a picturesque backdrop for wildlife sightings.

While the occasional shower may occur during the short rainy season, the park is generally less crowded, allowing visitors to enjoy a more intimate and serene safari experience.


Ruaha National Park is famous across the world for its excellent wildlife sightings. Combine this with the exclusive feel of the place and you’ve got a winning Tanzania Safari destination. The wider Ruaha region hosts around 10% of the world’s lion population and has been a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005. You can even spot a pride of more than 20 lions while on safaris.

Cheetahs can be seen scanning the pains for prey while leopards most commonly stalk the thicker woodland areas. The African Wild Dog is an endangered species, but the park is home to over 100 of them. The population of black-backed jackals and hyenas back the predator population too.

Elephants are seen in massive densities during the dry season when they assemble around the dry riverbed to dig for water using their feet and trunks. Furthermore, Ruaha is also home to plenty of cape buffaloes, giraffes, zebras, greater and lesser kudus, waterbucks, bushbucks, impalas and many other wildlife species.


Below are some of the key highlights of Ruaha National Park Safaris. Make sure that you indulge in these safari experiences:

  • Seeing the varied wildlife out on game drives
  • Outdoor Bush Picnics
  • Intimate safari experiences with a remote feel
  • A haven of birdwatching with more than 500 recorded bird species
  • Cultural Tours – to the establishments of the Barabaig and Maasai people

Why don’t you consider us to lead you to this off-beaten Tanzania Safari destination and show you just how rich safari experiences in Ruaha National Park can be?


Ruaha's Untamed Beauty

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