Welcome To Mkomazi National Park

About the Park

Spanning across an area of 3,234 sq. km. Mkomazi National Park is located in northeastern Tanzania, on the Kenyan border. It was set up as a game reserve in 1951 and was later upgraded to a national park in 2006. The park overlaps both the Kilimanjaro and Tanga Regions, meaning that you can catch the sight of mountains rising from every direction.

Mkomazi National Park shares its northern border with the Tsavo West National Park in Kenya and herds of migratory animals travel between these destinations based on rainfall patterns.

Best Time to Visit

The Dry Season, which runs from late June to October is the Best Time to Visit Mkomazi National Park This is when the grasslands dry out and the vegetation gets much thinner. Plus, the fact that animals gather in search of greener pastures and water at different water sources makes seeing them a lot more convenient.

  • Though a visit during the green season (from November to May) also has its fair share of advantages.
  • For one, the views of the surrounding mountains are a lot clearer.
  • And, the surroundings get completely transformed into a vibrant green, with visits from faraway migrant species of birds.


When it comes to Mkomazi National Park Wildlife, the herbivores like smaller and greater kudu, impalas, gazelles, and giraffes share the space with elephants, buffaloes, and several predators like lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and leopards. With a bit of luck on your side, you may also get to see zebras, dik-diks, eland, topi, and wildebeests. Mkomazi is also known for harbouring a total of 78 species of mammals.

Mkomazi National Park Safaris will also please avid birdwatchers as the park is also home to more than 400 different species of birds. Among them include the northern dry-country specials like three streaked tchagra and Shelley’s Starling. Moreover, guinea fowls, weaver birds, hornbills, and martial eagles are also seen in abundance.

Observing their acrobatic feats and witnessing their


Here are some of the key takeaways of Mkomazi National Park Safaris that you won’t want to miss out on:

  • Rare black rhino sightings – A conservation success story
  • Diverse birdlife – A haven for avian enthusiasts
  • Dramatic landscapes – From savannahs to rugged hills
  • Endangered species preservation – Lions and wild dogs
  • Off-the-beaten-path adventure – Remote and uncrowded safari
  • Community involvement – Engage with local Maasai culture

You won’t want to let a golden opportunity like Tanzania Safari Tours to Mkomazi National Park slip you by and miss out on amazing wildlife sightings in the background of towering mountainous sceneries! Thus, book a safari with us now so that you won’t feel like you’ve missed out on an experience of a lifetime!


Mkomazi's Untamed Beauty

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