Welcome To Tanzania Safari Cost

Though considered slightly costlier than its counterparts such as Kenya, safaris in Tanzania are still worth every penny owing to the valuable safari experience they offer. However, figuring out the cost can be a daunting task. A few factors such as seasonality, accommodation, and specific safari areas can greatly influence the prices.

Hence, we have tried to provide you with a breakdown of what your Tanzania Safari Cost might look like. Let’s understand these cost factors and their influence on the overall budget of your Tanzania Safari.

Seasonal Variation

The cost of a safari in Tanzania can significantly fluctuate depending on the time of year you plan to visit.

  • High/Peak Season (June to October): During these months, expect to pay premium prices as they coincide with the Great Migration, one of Africa's most spectacular wildlife experiences.
  • Low/Green Season (January to March and November to December): You can find better deals during these months, but keep in mind that it is also the rainy season, which might affect some of your activities

Accommodation Choices

Your choice of accommodation can substantially influence your Tanzania Safari Cost, offering options from budget-friendly to extreme luxury.

  • Budget Accommodations: These include campsite accommodations and basic lodges, costing anywhere from $150-$300 per person per night.
  • Mid-range Accommodations: Mid-range lodges or tented camps can range from $350-$600 per person per night, offering a good balance between comfort and cost.
  • Luxury Accommodations: For high-end lodges or luxury tented camps, prices can start from $800 and go up to $1500 per person per night, providing a deluxe experience with top-notch service and amenities.

Safari Areas

The cost of your safari will also depend on the specific areas you choose to explore. Popular regions, such as the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, tend to be more expensive due to high demand and park fees.

  • Northern Circuit (Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara, Tarangire): Considered the classic Tanzanian safari, expect to pay between $200 to $750 per person per day, depending on the accommodation type and services.
  • Southern Circuit (Ruaha, Selous): A less crowded but equally thrilling safari option, the Southern Circuit can cost between $350 to $600 per person per day.

Additional Costs

Apart from accommodation and location, there are additional costs that can affect the total price of your Tanzania Safari:

  • Park Fees: These range from $45-$100 per person per day.
  • Flight transfers: Depending on your itinerary, internal flight transfers could add up. Prices usually range from $150-$350 per flight segment.
  • Tips: It is customary to tip your safari guide and lodge staff. Expect to budget around $10-$20 per day for tips.
  • Travel insurance: Don't forget to factor in the cost of a comprehensive travel insurance policy. Prices of this can vary.

A Tanzania Safari is a significant investment, and the return is an unforgettable adventure that will stay with you for a lifetime. So, take the time to plan and budget your trip carefully. Also, the Tanzania Safari Cost might be slightly higher than other destinations, but the exceptional wildlife viewing and the beauty of landscapes will make it worthwhile. For further enquiry regarding the details of the cost, do contact us.

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